Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a concern for many Pleasantville, NJ, homeowners. People already spend almost all of their time inside. Now, researchers tell us that indoor air in commercial and residential buildings may be the most polluted of all.
According to Gallup News, working from home will continue to be a strong trend. It’s a good time to assess your home’s IAQ and to implement any needed safeguards.
How Scrubbers and Purifiers Increase IAQ
Scrubbers and purifiers both clean indoor air. They just do it differently. What separates scrubbers from purifiers are the particles they target.
When Do You Need an Air Purifier?
Purifiers push airborne particles through the system trapping them in the filter. Air cleaning is accomplished via filtration and air treatments designed to remove particles from indoor air.
Some purifiers have a powerful HEPA filtration component that can extract even the tiniest airborne particles. These high-end units generate efficiency ratings of 99.97 percent.
When Do You Need an Air Scrubber?
Scrubbers release negative ions into the air. They stick to airborne particles and accumulated particles on indoor surfaces. The negative ions make the airborne particles heavier and thereby easier to filter out or clean up.
Air scrubbers can have HEPA filtration capabilities just like purifiers. Most scrubbers are compatible with various three-stage HEPA negative air machines. They remove both settled and airborne particles and come with three replaceable filters.
Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating is a leading Pleasantville HVAC contractor committed to fresher indoor air. Visit us online or call us for more information.