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Why Doesn’t My Home Have Good HVAC Airflow in Cape May, NJ?

HVAC Airflow in Cape May, NJ?
HVAC Airflow in Cape May, NJ?

Poor airflow in your Cape May, NJ home reduces energy efficiency. When your HVAC system runs continuously to heat your home to its target temperature, your energy bills suffer. Here are some reasons why your home doesn’t have good HVAC airflow.

Leaky Ductwork

Issues with your home’s ductwork lead to poor airflow. When there is a leak in your ductwork, air will escape before reaching its intended destination, resulting in lower air pressure coming through your vents. Crimped and damaged ductwork can also reduce the airflow going throughout your home.

Blocked Vents or Registers

Obstructed vents or registers cause poor airflow. Make sure that there are no large obstructions or pieces of furniture covering your vents to ensure proper airflow. Also, check for clogged vents if your home’s airflow is not where you want it to be.

Clogged Air Filters

Dirty and clogged air filters cause a lot of issues for a furnace, including reduced airflow. A clogged air filter makes it harder for your HVAC system to circulate air throughout the system. Performing regular maintenance on your system includes cleaning or replacing old filters.

Incorrect HVAC System Size

If your HVAC system is too small for the square footage of your home, you will notice poor airflow. Whether you have a heat pump, furnace, or another type of HVAC system, it’s important to let a professional help you choose the right size for your home.

Uneven airflow can have a negative impact on the comfort inside your home as well as your energy bills. If you would like to address your home’s airflow with the installation of a new furnace, contact us at Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating today to schedule an appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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