Constantly Running Heat Pump in Ocean City, NJ

What Makes a Heat Pump Run Constantly in Ocean City, NJ?

April 19, 2024

When your heat pump in Ocean City, NJ runs nonstop, it means the system does not cycle off or is without rest or downtime periods. Continuous operation is a problem as it can lead to high energy costs, faster wear and tear, and comfort issues in your home. Read on to learn about some potential causes of a constantly running heat pump and possible solutions.

Check Your Thermostat Settings

A thermostat set too low when in cooling mode or too high when in heating mode can cause the heat pump to run nonstop. That’s because the system will try to maintain your excessive desired temperature. Make sure that you adjust the thermostat so that the heat pump cycles correctly.

Check These Components

Aside from the thermostat, be sure to check your heat pump’s components, including the air filters. Dirty or clogged filters restrict air flow, which the appliance will compensate for by running constantly.

Other parts to inspect are the fan motor, defrost control and compressor. If faulty, these components can prevent correct cycling off. Contact a professional to have these parts checked.

Don’t Forget the Outdoor Unit

Ice, debris, or snow may accumulate around the outdoor unit or the condenser. If so, it can block airflow, which can lead to the heat pump working harder and continuously.

Is the Unit the Correct Size for Your Home?

Sometimes, the problem is an undersized heat pump, which makes it difficult for the unit to heat or cool your home in Ocean City. You may want to consider upgrading to the correct size so that the appliance can meet your cooling and heating demands.

If you are having issues with a constantly running heat pump, it’s time to contact our pros. Schedule a maintenance appointment in Ocean City, NJ with Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating today.

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