Heat Pumps in Longport, NJ

The Eco-Friendly Perks of Heat Pumps in Longport, NJ

May 9, 2022

Heat pumps ensure you are always comfortable in your home, whether it’s summer or winter. They regulate your home’s temperature without interfering with the environment. Learn the environmental benefits of using a heat pump for your Longport, NJ, home.

No Carbon Emissions

The Natural Resources Defense Council estimated that heat pumps could reduce emissions by half in a 2018 article. Unlike wood burners and gas heaters that burn fossil fuels to produce heat, a heat pump doesn’t produce emissions. A heat pump uses electricity to regulate your home’s temperature by transferring heat from one area to another.

For instance, if you would like to warm your space, your heat pump brings heat from outside. Likewise, your heat pump transfers the extra warmth outside if you want to cool your house.

Eliminating Outdated Temperature Regulation Methods

Due to the ability of a heat pump to cool and warm your place, it removes the need for buying different devices for cooling and warming your home. Therefore, you won’t require outdated appliances that aren’t environmentally friendly such as gas heaters, fan heaters, and oil heaters. These devices are also heavy on electricity compared to a heat pump.

Energy Efficiency

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Energy noted that manufacturers needed to improve their heat pump standards. These changes should save 156 billion kWh in 30 years, saving $4.2 billion for U.S. electricity consumers. The Department of Energy also adds that a heat pump can use three times less electricity than the thermal energy it provides if its owners keep it in good working condition.

You can always reach out to Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating for specialized heat pump services all year round. We have served residents in the Longport, NJ and surrounding areas for more than 70 years; therefore, we possess extensive experience in providing HVAC services. Consider signing up for regular tune-ups to keep your heat pump in top shape and avoid future problems.

Image provided by iStock

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