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Let’s Clear Up These 4 HVAC Myths in Avalon, NJ

HVAC myths
HVAC myths

Since heating and cooling costs are a significant portion of your home’s total energy bills, it’s vital to avoid believing HVAC misconceptions. With a lot of information about HVAC systems on the internet, it can be challenging to separate truth from fiction. Here are some facts behind common HVAC myths in Avalon, NJ.

1. A Bigger HVAC System Is Better

The truth is that a bigger HVAC system can be worse if it’s the wrong size for your home. A bigger than usual heating and cooling system is likely to short cycle, damaging the system and not cooling or heating your home evenly. The solution is to hire professionals to measure your home and calculate your heating and cooling needs for proper HVAC sizing.

2. Maintenance Is Only Necessary When the HVAC Breaks Down

If you don’t conduct seasonal HVAC tune-ups, you risk a premature system breakdown and high utility bills. HVAC maintenance helps to discover faults early enough and fix them before they escalate, preventing damage and extending the system’s lifespan. Talk to an HVAC technician to conduct seasonal tune-ups to maintain your warranty and improve energy efficiency.

3. The Thermostat’s Location Doesn’t Matter

The truth is that your thermostat’s location affects heating and cooling. If you place thermostats too close to vents, windows, or sources of heat like direct sunlight or the kitchen, you could cause premature HVAC shutdown or force the system to run for too long. An experienced HVAC expert should determine the proper location.

4. Only Change Filters Annually

Dirty filters reduce airflow into your home because they clog your HVAC system. Changing or cleaning filters at least every three months can help to keep your HVAC system operating efficiently. Change or clean your air filters monthly if you have pets or live in a dusty area.

Believing these HVAC myths can cause costly repairs or your home’s comfort. Contact your HVAC expert whenever you are unsure about anything concerning your HVAC system. Call our team at Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating today to schedule heating services or for more information about HVAC systems.

Image provided by iStock

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