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Does Homeowners’ Insurance Cover Plumbing Repairs in Atlantic City, NJ?

Water Leak in Ocean City, NJ
Water Leak in Ocean City, NJ

Homeowner’s insurance protects properties against common calamities. For instance, many plans cover water system issues in Atlantic City, NJ, but under certain circumstances. Below are ways in which many homeowners’ insurance plans cover plumbing repairs.


Homeowner’s insurance often pays for damages in your house and its fixtures. For example, if a pipe bursts and destroys walls and cabinets. The company compensates you if the mishap happens unexpectedly or didn’t occur for an extended period. Moreover, the coverage may extend to replacing your home’s plumbing pipes.

Personal Property

Your belongings may sustain damage when a drainage system mishap occurs. Fortunately for those with coverage for their personal property, this component provides reimbursement for the loss that occurs because of the incident. For instance, if water destroys your furniture or jewelry, file a claim to receive compensation.

Depending on the agreement, the company reimburses for the actual value of the item. Or it repays the cost of mending according to the current price.

Loss of Use

If a significant incident happens, it can temporarily force you to move out of the premises. Plans that cover loss of use for your home give room for plumbers to make the necessary repairs. This insurance covers you during this period.

It compensates your family’s unplanned expenditure while fixing the water damage concerns. The expenses include hotel room bills and other short-term living expenditures.

Other Structures

Although rare, plumbing issues may cause damage to other structures on your property. They can include guest rooms or a garage that’s separate from your main house. A homeowner’s insurance policy that covers additional structures pays for plumbing damages on these structures.

The structures may incur similar damages to your house, thus the reason for the coverage. The insurance company reimburses for the repairs up to your coverage limits.

Our family-owned business has been providing incredible plumbing services since 1949. In addition, our technicians have knowledge and experience that guarantees 100% satisfaction. Contact Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating for plumbing services in Atlantic City, NJ, and the surrounding cities.

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