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5 Benefits of Spring HVAC Maintenance in Cape May, NJ

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hvac maintenance

Want to get the most out of your Cape May, NJ, home’s air conditioner this summer? Don’t skip your HVAC maintenance service this season. Spring HVAC maintenance provides you with amazing benefits like the five examples below.

1. Your Air Conditioner Is Ready for Summer

A lot can happen between now and the last time you used your air conditioner. A spring maintenance service ensures that your AC is ready to get to work the first time you turn it on. Our service techs inspect, test and make repairs to make sure your system is ready.

2. Helps Your AC Run Efficiently

Spring maintenance helps your air conditioner run more efficiently. Changing your filter, recharging coolant as needed and lubricating moving parts are important steps in this maintenance service.

3. Keeps Your Electric Bill Under Control

The cost to run your air conditioner during the summer could account for up to 50% of your electricity bill. You can keep your electric bill under control with air conditioner maintenance every spring.

4. Avoids Unexpected Repair Bills

During your spring HVAC maintenance service, our technician will inspect your air conditioner for problems that can quickly grow into large repairs if not fixed early. The benefit for you is that your air conditioner will be more reliable throughout the summer and less likely to break down.

5. Prolongs the Life of Your Air Conditioner

Installing a new air conditioner is a significant investment in your home. Therefore, you want your system to last through its expected lifespan. Yearly maintenance helps prolong the life of your air conditioner and protect your investment.

Schedule your spring HVAC maintenance service as soon as possible for the best availability. In Cape May, NJ, contact Jenkins and Sons Plumbing and Heating for all your heating and air conditioning maintenance, repairs and installations.

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