Bad IAQ Habits in Egg Harbor, NJ

4 Bad IAQ Habits in Egg Harbor, NJ

August 2, 2023

The air quality in Egg Harbor, NJ, can significantly impact the health and comfort of its residents. Unfortunately, some bad IAQ habits can contribute to poor air quality. Here are four of the most common bad IAQ habits for homeowners to avoid.

Poor Ventilation

The lack of adequate ventilation in homes and businesses is a major contributor to poor indoor air quality. Homes and businesses can become stuffy due to inadequate air circulation, which increases the presence of pollutants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, VOCs from household products, and smoke from activities such as cooking and smoking. Poor ventilation originates from a lack of window openings, closed doors, and unsealed basements.

Smoking Indoors

Smoking indoors can have a devastating effect on air quality. Not only does smoking create particulate matter, such as ash and smoke, but it also introduces hazardous chemicals into the indoor environment that can result in long-term health effects. It’s best to smoke outdoors and away from windows and doors.

Failing to Change Air Filters

Changing air filters is critical to maintaining good indoor air quality, as air filters prevent pollutants from entering a building’s ventilation system. Changing the air filter every one to three months is necessary, but this does not happen in many homes and businesses. This can lead to an accumulation of dust, debris, and other contaminants that can make their way into the indoor environment.

Not Using IAQ Solutions

Indoor air quality solutions like whole-home air purifiers and ventilators can help improve indoor air quality by removing environmental pollutants. Unfortunately, many homeowners in Egg Harbor fail to use IAQ solutions in the air conditioning systems, leaving their buildings vulnerable to poor air quality due to inadequate filtration or circulation.

To ensure good indoor air quality, it’s important to be mindful of bad IAQ habits. Contact Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating Inc. to maintain your air cooling and heating systems so your home has clean air. Our technicians will assess your system and provide the best IAQ solutions tailored to your needs.

Image provided by iStock

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