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3 Benefits of Professional Drain Cleaning in Cape May, NJ

Water Flowing Into Bottom Of Stainless Steel Sink
Water Flowing Into Bottom Of Stainless Steel Sink

Your Cape May, NJ, home’s plumbing system consists of an intricate system of water lines that carry water to your home and sewer lines that whisk wastewater, debris and other unwanted substances away. In order to keep everything operating as it should, it’s important to invest in regular system maintenance. Here are three reasons professional drain cleaning is a great way to keep your plumbing system operating at its best.

1. Eliminates Odors

Hair, soap, human waste, food debris and other materials make their way through your drains and into your plumbing system every day. When those materials clog your drains, they can begin to decay and rot, producing noxious odors. Professional drain cleaning ensures that those materials leave your pipes, eliminating the foul odors that they produce.

2. Prevents Water Leaks

It’s difficult for your pipes to deal with clogs that become heavy over time. When clogs form, they can lead to disconnected pipes and broken lines throughout your plumbing system. When those water leaks become more severe, they can do serious damage to your floors and walls, and they may even threaten the structural integrity of your house.

3. Improves Your Household’s Health

Water leaks, even slow ones, can lead to mold and mildew inside your walls, under your floors and inside your pipes. You’re probably already aware of how dangerous it can be for the people you live with to breathe in the presence of these microorganisms. Instead of taking a chance on the health of your household, invest in drain cleaning to help reduce the risk of mold and mildew and keep your home safe.

We want to work with you to ensure that your home is safe, functional and efficient. Call Jenkins and Sons Plumbing & Heating today to schedule drain cleaning or to ask about the rest of our plumbing services.

Image provided by iStock

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